Congratulations to Habio that we are the first time to participate in IPPE 2019, Atlanta, U.S with our own booth. The International Production & Processing Expo is the world's largest annual poultry, meat and feed industry event of its kind. A wide range of international decision-makers attend this annual event to network and become informed on the latest technological developments and issues facing the industry.
The 2019 IPPE featured more than 8,315 international visitors from over 133 countries. The largest region represented was the Caribbean, Latin America, Mexico and South America with 3,271 visitors. Enzymes are paid more and more attentions by North American and Latin American market. Except the widely-used Phytase and NSP Enzymes, Habio exhibited brand new products such as Soluble Enzymes, Glucose Oxidase, Lipozyme, which attracted lots of customers to learn more on applications.
With a successful IPPE, which made Habio Brand well-known in American markets. Greatly appreciate your hosting and trust to Habio people and products. Habio looks forward to meeting all our friends in the next year IPPE!